Part 2 - A Trip to the Museum: The Ashurbanipal Exhibit

Article by MIKRA CEO

Today, we feature Part of 2 of the Ashurbanipal exhibit at the British Museum. How do the archaeological remains of the world’s first true empire (including thousands of volumes from the king’s personal library) mesh with biblical prophecy to give context to the biblical account? Find out in this week’s Thinker Update ..... READ MORE!

Discovery of 12th Century Temple at Lachish, Israel

Article by MIKRA CEO

A previously unknown temple has been unearthed at the city of Lachish, the second largest city of ancient Judah. It has been dated to a time when Israel controlled the area, according to the Bible. So, why were idols and other cultic artifacts found inside, and why are researchers calling it Canaanite?... READ MORE!

Part 2 of 1,000-Year-Old Segment of Hebrew Bible Discovered

Article by MIKRA CEO

Today’s Thinker features the second part of Brian Rickett’s story on the discovery in Egypt of an ancient Hebrew manuscript containing a division of the Bible. The journey taken by this important document reads like a mystery novel. Discover what led to its remarkable preservation and how it was finally rediscovered in the conclusion of this 2-part Update. .... READ MORE!

Thousand-Year-Old Segment of Hebrew Bible Discovered

Article by MIKRA CEO

One of the most ancient manuscripts of a section of the Hebrew Bible known as the Writings has been rediscovered in a synagogue in Cairo, Egypt. See the story of the unlikely journey taken by this important document and how manuscripts like these are connected to our modern Bibles in this week’s Part 1 of a 2-part Update. .... READ MORE!

Passionate about the Passion Week

Article by MIKRA CEO

As Christians around the world build up to the Holy Week, many of our readers may want to take a fresh look at the events surrounding the Passion of Jesus. 

This week's update features an interview with the author of a new book that provides fresh insights on the final week of Jesus’ ministry.... READ MORE!

Royal Israelite Complex Discovered

Article by MIKRA CEO

An emergency excavation as part of a highway project in northern Israel has uncovered a well preserved and magnificent administrative complex. 

What biblical kings might it have served and in what ways does it match the Bible’s account? Find out more in this week’s Thinker Update... READ MORE!

Temple of Idol Worship Discovered Near Jerusalem

Article by MIKRA CEO

A massive temple structure where idol worship took place has been unearthed just 4 miles from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Was this the legacy of King Solomon’s descent into idolatry? 

The Bible highlights Solomon’s waywardness late in his life, but have we underestimated its impact on the nation of Judah? Today’s Thinker provides some insight. .... READ MORE!

Hebrew Inscription to Redraw Israel’s Ancient Borders

Article by MIKRA CEO

A new discovery of ancient Hebrew writing challenges critics and confirms the Bible’s claims for the early worship of Israel’s God and the extensive borders of their land. Also, see how this find vindicates the account of Hannah dedicating Samuel in this week’s Thinker Update. ..... READ MORE!

The Hunt for the Miracle at the Red Sea

Article by MIKRA CEO

We now have the 2nd article, including a new FILM CLIP, as part of the lead-up to the release of Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle on Feb. 18, 2020. Learn more about Timothy Mahoney’s journey in the making of the film, and the two main approaches to the Exodus journey with the miracles it involved. All in this week’s Thinker Update..... READ MORE!